A summary of things I need to do with Git and can never quite remember how:
Checkout a URL from Github:
Checkout a URL from Github:
git clone https://github.com/mattiaslinnap/citymapper-web
To pull a branch from someone else's github repo in to your local one:
git pull [copy link from github] [branch name]
git pull git@github.com:adamcstephens/dust.git their-branch-name
I made changes locally now I want to push them into a separate branch and then on to github
git checkout -b many_changes
git push origin many_changes
Everything has gone wrong. REVERT!
git reset --hard HEAD
Revert to remote head:
git reset --hard origin/master
Oops! - I commited to wrong branch - undo commits but keep the changes on my local area. more info
git reset --soft HEAD^
Master has gone to hell. My current branch should be master instead
git merge --strategy=ours master
git checkout master
git checkout master
git merge GOOD_BRANCH
Everything has gone wrong. AND I have a local commit to revert
git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
Revert to last committed state:
git reset --hard
Revert to last committed state from TIME ago:
git reset --hard master@{"10 minutes ago"}
Review unpushed commits and squash:
git rebase -i
Reverting local changes:
git checkout -- file
Go back in Time:
git log -3
git checkout TAG
git checkout master^ (go back 1 commit from master)
git checkout HEAD^^ (go back 2 commits from where i am now)
git checkout HEAD~3
(go back 3 commits from where i am now)Search:
Search thru git logs on my commits only:
git log --all-match --grep=search_string --author=andyGit logs with follow:
git log --follow
Search for component:
git log -p -S SEARCH_FOR optional_limit_by_dir
Complex multi revert pattern:
git checkout -b temp
git rebase -i
# If we get a merge error then you need to remove more commits as some more modern ones depend on the ones removed
git checkout master
git checkout temp -- . #checkout branch into the directory '.'
git commit -a
Some commit has introduced a bug somewhere - lets go find it:
BisectPull code then review before release
git fetchsummary:
git log HEAD..origin
giant diff:
git log -p HEAD...origin
git merge origin
Standard GIT workflow:(create a myfeaturebranch from the master branch)
git checkout -b myfeature master
while(I have code):
git pull --rebase origin master
final merge:
git checkout master
git merge myfeature OR git merge --no-ff myfeature OR git merge --squash myfeature
git branch -d myfeature
git push origin master
--no-ff = No Fast forward = Keep the fact I worked on a separate branch.
(default) = Fast Forward = Fast forward all changes in to the master.
General Rule: Use --no-ff if you worked on something big and want the branch history.
--squash = Squash this local branch's commits into 1. Makes git logs easier to read
git pull --rebase origin master = remove local changes. Pull master. Re-apply your changes
If you can rebase OFTEN do it. If there are many differences between master and your branch do a merge instead. Rebase is only for LOCAL branches not pushed ones.
Do not rebase a public 'pushed' branch that someone else is using. EG: If you fork a github project your fork is publicly available so do not rebase this fork with the original master. Instead use git fetch, git merge
Delete remote branchgit push origin --delete
git mergetool
Funky review & merge tool:
Using my file or there file on conflict:
git checkout --ours filename.c
git checkout --theirs filename.c
git add filename.c
git commit -m "using theirs"
Oops! I commited to the wrong branch
How to rebase - This is like merging but better. It updates the origin (head) then applies each of your commits so you have no 'merges'.
More Git Help
I'm in git Merge Hell!
Great Git learning web game
Tool to simplify your git branching Git Flow
reset to remote master:
ReplyDeletegit reset --hard origin/master
If you want to rebase from branch to master but you get lots of conflicts. Squash your commits into 1 and then cherry-pick from master:
ReplyDeletegit checkout branch_name
git rebase -i HEAD~N [N= num of commits]
git checkout master
git cherry-pick
To track your new github fork locally:
ReplyDeletegit remote add up git@github.com:bootandy/thing_on_github.git
git push -u up master
If cmdline starts asking for a password:
ReplyDelete$ git push origin ab-rm-windows Password for 'https://bootandy@github.com':